Thursday, 29 January 2015


Integrating  Technology in Education

View  the above video and read information from the  following link:   

Choose two of the topics discussed in the document taken from the link and discuss the impact they have in the education. Thereafter, comment on two of your colleagues' comments.


  1. Strategies for Integrating Technology into Teaching
    Technology integration is the use of technology resources -- computers, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets -- in daily classroom practices, and in the management of a school. Successful technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is:
    • Routine and transparent
    • Accessible and readily available for the task at hand
    • Supporting the curricular goals, and helping the students to effectively reach their goals
    When technology integration is at its best, a child or a teacher doesn't stop to think that he or she is using a technology tool -- it is second nature. And students are often more actively engaged in projects when technology tools are a seamless part of the learning process.
    Seamless integration is when students are not only using technology daily, but have access to a variety of tools that match the task at hand and provide them the opportunity to build a deeper understanding of content.
    Barriers to Technology Integration
    For many schools, the dream technology program is just that – a dream. Teachers do not have the time or experience to properly integrate technology into the classroom. Media specialists lack the resources to create the type of learning environment students need. Administrators do not have the technical wherewithal to create a cohesive plan. Additionally, many educators mistakenly believe that any technology is good technology. This means that, at times, the introduction of technology may be a barrier in and of itself.
    The lack of resources in the classroom and inadequate knowledge leaves many teachers in a constant struggle with technology. Even when the proper resources are present, teachers often struggle with an inadequate knowledge of specific technology, technology-supported pedagogy, and technology-related-classroom management. For many educators, particularly those who did not grow up with computers or the internet, technology can be a frightening concept. It may be easier to pass up the use of a tool rather than admit to inadequate knowledge.

    Conley, L. (n.d.). Barriers to Integrating Technology. Retrieved February 1, 2015, from

    Teachers Discovering Computers, Fourth Edition - In Brief. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2015, from

    1. The idea of technology strengths and use in the classroom is there. However, when looking at the barriers, that is our Belizean reality. Most of the time at our schools, we don't have working computer labs or teachers are not trained how to use the technology properly. I must strongly agree with your take on the entire technology approach. However, this is the modern world and we must find ways to overcome our barriers and make use of technology. After all it makes our work load easier and teaching effective.

    2. Denise, all your points are valid. In addition to the lack of resources, teachers themselves are often barriers to technology integration. I have witnessed a fear of technology first hand by teachers teaching over 30 years. I have also witnessed experienced teachers make the effort to utilize PowerPoint presentations and execute lessons where students use laptops. The teachers in both cases teach at same school, having the same resources available. Therefore, it is up to the teacher many times to take steps in learning. Teacher efficacy is essential. As you stated, for some teachers it may be easier to just pass up technology and stick to what they know. Often times, this is the case. However, it is the responsibility of a teacher to update themselves to meet the needs of students in the 21st century in the best way they can.

    3. I do not think that technology should be frightening, although that may be the case for some teachers. However, teachers should take the interest to learn about technology as it will help their students in achieving the learning outcomes if it being used properly. Teachers should not only learn theory but also practical because teachers cannot only use one program/software and/or strategies to teach every lesson. Certain lessons require different program and/or strategies.
      I think if teachers take the interest in the technological world, then they would notice that their students will better understand concepts and want to learn more.

    4. Denise I believe that u made some valid points in your comment; due to the fact that there are a lack of resources and knowledge teachers face with when trying to integrate technology in the classroom. These resources are can be expensive to purchase and some teacher might not have acquired the skills to incorporate technology in their classroom. I have met many teachers that have the resources at their school, but don’t know to use it. All teachers must be adequately trained to integrate technology in the classroom; which will be beneficial to both teachers and students.

  2. In this modern technological era that we are living in, it is important that technology is integrated into the school system to facilitate and aid in students learning process. Teachers must be trained and capable of adopting and working with technological devices as they continue to evolve. Technological integration is “the use of technology resources -- computers, mobile devices like smart phones and tablets, digital cameras, social media platforms and networks, software applications, the Internet, etc. -- in daily classroom practices, and in the management of a school.” ("What Is Successful Technology Integration? | Edutopia," 2007)

    Integrating technology into the classroom is very beneficial for the learning process of children. When teachers use computers, LCD projectors, and the internet to access different media sites to gain educational videos, songs and useful resources, students become more engaged and interested in the lessons. Also, integrating technology helps to make the classroom learning environment more fun, and delivery of lessons by teachers will be more interactive and student friendly.

    Although technological integration is a positive avenue for the learning process, there may still be some downfalls. Thinking about technology is to think about money. It is known that technological devices are not cheap, and can be very costly. Therefore, one of the major setbacks about including technology in the learning process is financing. Some schools and their management complain about not having the finance to afford the necessary technological devices for their teachers and students to use. So, it is noted that many schools are without computer labs for their students and if teachers don’t have their personal tablet or laptop, they may only be one or two computers for all teachers to access.

    Technological Integration is very useful and very much needed to live in this modern world. To make it work effectively in the educational system will take proper planning and budgeting. It is important to start the integration even if it is just one video clip a class. The main goal is to properly facilitate learning for the students, and to make learning interactive and fun.


    Teachers Discovering Computers, Fourth Edition - In Brief. (n.d.). Retrieved from

    What Is Successful Technology Integration? | Edutopia. (2007, November 5). Retrieved from

    1. Technology integration is quite important in today's society. I share the same perspectives as my classmate. As stated and explained further, the cost of technology is not affordable to all schools. In her example above, there might be limited resources at the school and in that case, teachers are required to use only a handful of computers. Therefore, this question is important, what happens to the rest of the teachers who need access to computers and can't use it? Does the lack of technology sets back a generation? Teachers are always asked to be resourceful but finance might be an issue and only set back in successfully integrating technology in the classroom. Your blog is interesting and a Belizean reality.

    2. Ms. Laing your presentation was very informative. I concur with the points that you shared. I am a firm believer that technology in our classrooms will enhance learning. Our children are exposed to different forms of technology ranging from cell phones to laptops. Children for the most part are very curious and will not hesitate to experiment on these devices. If left alone with a computer we would be amazed at the many things that children discover with just the click of a button.
      The use of technology in the classroom will make learning more meaningful and interesting for the students.

    3. I agree with the information you shared Ms. Laing. Responding to the limited resources that you and Ku mentioned, I think that in order for teachers to use the limited computers and/or laptops that the school has, a schedule should be created so that each teacher gets the opportunity to use the computers and if at any point some teachers need the computers for the same time allow them to use their personal laptop or ask the fortunate students who have to bring theirs. It is not just speaking about limited resources, but know how to use the limited resources wisely.


    4. Keisha I believe that you made some valid point in your comment. I agree that technology is very useful and very much needed to live in this modern world. When technology is being integrated in the classrooms, it helps with the evolvement of students. Effective and successful technology integration can be achieve when working together to achieve curricular goals. Being welling to embrace change that will bring about a better education system is very important and will be beneficial to all involved. As teacher we must remember that technology is a constantly and quickly evolving. It is a ongoing system learning system, so I believe both teachers and students must become familiar with the evolving of technology. Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important.”(Bill Gates)

    5. Ms. Laing I totally agree with you and Ms. Ku on the limited resources that are available. Hence as teachers, the ministry of education and administrators emphasize that we should be resourceful even if that means to go the extra mile in getting resources for the benefit of our students. It is true that limited computers, laptops and projectors that school has should have schedule for teachers to have equal opportunity in using them. I also strongly believe that limited resources should be used wisely and in a constructive manner.

    6. Hi Keisha Laing, Your presentation is full of with well needed information. I do not think i could say it any better. I am in agreement with the point that technologyin the classrooms will enrich our students learning . In these modern days children are exposed to technology at home wether it is a cell phone, an ipad or just a tablet they are expose to and hence technology will make learning meaninfull to our children learning.

  3. Good discussion so far. Please remember that whenever you research and you are using information from sources as evidence for your discussion, it is important that you paraphrase, summarize or use direct words. In all cases, you must cite (in-text)

  4. Changing Instructional Strategies
    As an effective and innovative teacher, the moment students begin to play a more active role in the learning process the teacher’s role must change. Teachers should be able to transition from the conventional lecturer-practice-recall teaching methods to being the facilitator. Hence as educators we need to take into consideration that the children we teach are not blank slates. They came to us with some knowledge including both conception and non- conception about the world. Teachers should design their classroom as an active and constructive learning environment. The learning environment should also be designed to support and challenge the learner’s thinking (Di Vesta 1987), this way we can motivate students to take charge of their own learning; but guide them through the process of creating meaningful activities. This is where Vygotsky “Zone of proximal learning” steps in. According to Vygotsky social aspect of learning, clearly states that students solve problems beyond their actual development level (but within their level of potential development) under adult guidance or in collaboration with more capable peers.
    In constructivism classroom most of the time the teacher function more as a facilitator who coaches, mediates, prompts, and help students develop assess their understanding and thereby their learning. A facilitator should struck the learning experience just enough to make sure that the students get clear guidance within which to achieve the learning objectives, yet the learning experience should be open and free enough to allow for learners to discover, enjoy, interact and arrive at their own social verified version of truth.
    Technology Integration Plans for the Classroom
    Living in this modern world, incorporating technology in the classroom is definitely a plus. Students who are exposed to the usage of technology from home will feel more excited when the integration is effectively incorporated in their lessons. To capture the students’ attention using the different media sites, teacher can use power-point to create photographs, diagrams, songs and review games based on famous game shows so as to engage them in an interactive lesson. Also integrating technology into the classroom makes learning more meaningful and fun-filling.
    Quick internet search help identify ways to supplement your lessons to life. The usage of technology make work easier for both teachers and students because it save the teacher a lot of time from having the students write a lot of notes. Also it benefit the slow writers because instead of logging behind everyone can be on the same pace.

    Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind and Society: The development of higher mental processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    Di Vesta, F. J. (1987). The Cognitive Movement and Education. In J. A. Glover & R. R. Ronning (Eds.), Historical Foundations of Educational Psychology (pp. 203-233). New York: Plenum Press.

    1. I truly believe that students do come to us as teachers with prior knowledge and are eager to learn what "else" we have to share. I strongly believe that teachers should design active and constructive learning environment. The basis of this however, is that teachers I believe first need to have the knowledge of technology in order to include it in their classroom. Hence, to create the learning environment you are speaking of is of course the ideal goal but we must as educators identify the pitfalls we face here in our country. One of the main ones being that our education system is just trying to leave from colonial British Honduras into modern era. We are trying but we have a long way to go regardless of what Vygotsky believes.

    2. Ms. Gongalez, I must say that your reflection was quite insightful. I too believe that as teachers we need to integrate technology into our classrooms. After-all we are living in a technological era where children are exposed to various forms that technologies that can be used to enhance learning.

    3. Ms. Gonzalez, I agree with your post. The statement,"students are not blank slates," is so true. Our students have intelligence and thus, can bring insightful perspectives to our lessons. These students are very knowledgeable and capable of actively participating in our lessons. Thus, we must ensure that we give them the opportunities to express their opinions and feelings because they have a lot to contribute.

    4. It is so true that we are living in a technology world and so children need to be educated how to use these types of devices within the classroom to see the end result, so we can move away from the chalk and talk. These tools also make life a little easier for teachers in the preparation of the lesson

  5. In this modern time we are living in, I share the same sentiments of the importance of technology in the classroom. It is true that many of our students are exposed to the usage of technology from home, as a result some of them are already advance and can compete with the vast knowledge of information found on the internet based on several topics taught. Indeed technology can make lessons interactive by offering a wide variation of illustrations rather than the chalk and talk tradition. Hence as educators we must embrace effective and positive changes in our classroom so as to make it more inviting to the students and society at large. So as (Jared Diamond) said "Technology has to be invented or adopted".

    1. I like that quote you stated by Jared Diamond because it is our reality. As teachers, we have to adopt to various technological devices, so that they can be incorporated into the classroom lessons and activities. Just as you mentioned, our students are exposed to vast amount of technology usage, and they may even know more than us teachers. So then, it can be noted that technology can be used in the classroom to facilitate collaboration among students. Also, using technology in the classroom helps to build our students high order thinking skills.

    2. @Keisha Laing I too like that quote, for any teacher that cannot utilize this awesome tool that creative minds have made possible will never be able to equip our students to survive in their reality. The goal of education is to create productive citizens of society. If one cannot function in the society in which they live then how can they ever become a productive part of it. Teachers role is to give students the necessary tools to forge a way in this society. If we cannot ourselves survive in this technological era then how can we equip our students to? We would fail miserably if we cannot embrace, adapt and utilize technology to meet the needs of our students. I believe that we should never let our students know that they know more than us. We all have units, lesson plans etc, hence we can practice, research and practice some more so that our students can truly see the wonders of technology and its true purpose in our education system. Sometimes I feel that too many times both students and teachers view technology as recreation rather than beneficial. We need to move away from that

  6. Technology is becoming a major part of the way we live. It is important that are use of technology in the school so that the learning process may become easier. Technology integration is the use of technology in the classroom. With technology integration teachers must learn to adapt to the changes in the classroom environment.

    Technology integration has been beneficial addition too the learning method inside the classroom. With the use of music, videos and online games, the students are very interested in the lesson taught and also have fun doing it. Studies have shown that most students perform better with technology. It leads to a better attitude towards learning as well as enhancing the student's self confidence.

    Even though, technological integration is beneficial in the classroom, it can be very time consuming. Connection problems, downloading issues and other difficulties can cause major setbacks in speed of learning. Losing 15 minutes in a class because of technical difficulties can be a waste of time. this is one reason why technology integration fails in the classroom

    Technology integration is becoming an great addition in the lesson. to make it work within a time limit teachers will have proper knowledge on how to deal with the technical problems in the classroom. Technological integration is a way that students can construct their own knowledge through enjoyment of lesson and technology.

    1. I fully agree with your post Ms.Ciego. I like the fact that you mentioned that technology is a major part of the way that we live. This is so true because we are living in a technological world. As educators, we must keep up with all the current trends because those are what our students are following. We must learn about all the various types of technologies and incorporate them in our lessons. These will surely attract the attention of our students and they will want to be involved in our lessons.

  7. Curriculum, Curriculum Standards, and Benchmarks
    In traditional curricula, content matter that pupils are expected to know is determined. It follows that the purpose of testing is to see if the pupils have learned the specific knowledge indicated in the curriculum. Recent approaches to how pupils learn have changed from the behavioral view of learning to that of cognitive learning theories, and the constructivist approach to knowledge acquisition (Birenbaum, 1996; Herman, 1992). Similarly, assessment is no longer seen as testing pupils on an accumulation of isolated facts and skills, but emphasizes the application and use of knowledge.
    In a standards-based curriculum, assessment is viewed not only as a final product (summative), but also as a continual process (formative) that provides pupil performance data to teachers and students regarding their progress towards achieving the standards. The curriculum sets benchmark levels of pupils’ achievement and progress towards meeting the standards by describing what the pupils can do with the language. Therefore, it is necessary to move beyond testing methods which concentrate on memory, and develop those which measure understanding and application (Genesee,, 1998; Winters, 1995).
    The ultimate judgment on the value of standards must be whether their use in the classroom actually improves pupil performance (Ravitch, 1996). Assessment provides the information necessary to guide educators in determining pupil progress in attaining the standards, as specified in the curriculum. Teachers, schools and the state are accountable for pupils’ learning based on the attainment of these standards. Since the standards provide a clear and defined framework for assessment, it is therefore possible to ascertain the extent to which the standards have been met.
    Changing Instructional Strategies.
    The current preparation of teachers for specific age levels, specific subject matter, specific academic skills, etc., does not take into consideration sufficiently the complexity of factors such as students’ various characteristics. There is a strong need to train teachers to adapt instruction to the diverse student abilities, learning styles, personality traits and needs by using more differentiated teaching strategies
    In sum, the attempts to match teaching strategies with student’s characteristics may become critical steps toward dealing with some of the particularly difficult problems of the teaching and learning process. Admittedly, many difficulties are faced not only by teachers but also by administrators and policy makers in the endeavor to adapt instructional strategies to students characteristics, but the methods and concepts of the field of complex systems can provide ways of implementing such changes in the attempts to introduce reforms to the education system.

    1. Dawn, I share similar opinion to you about training teachers to adapt to technological instruction. A teacher can be computer literate but may lack the skills and/or knowledge for effective teaching strategies. At times, technology is available but is not utilized enough or effectively to develop the three domains of learning, the cognitive, the psychomotor and the affective. Additionally, as you stated teachers need to use more differentiated teaching strategies to meet the learning styles and needs of students. It would be beneficial, if there would be technology workshops that last more than just one day available for teachers. That would be an ideal setting, where teachers learn different teaching strategies from one another, enhancing their pedagogy.

    2. Tabby I agree 100% with you to adapt these changes of futuristic lifestyle teachers must be train to adpt to our techonological world. In doing so the multi media will emphasize the graphical nature we need to emphasize with creating equal opportunity for success.

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  9. Technology Integration
    “There can be infinite uses of the computer and of new age technology, but if teachers themselves are not able to bring it into the classroom and make it work, then it fails.” (Kassebaum 2012). Using technology has become a global occurrence that is vital in our everyday life and is used as a great tool to improve teaching and learning that takes place in the classroom. Technology is very important in education and technology integration has to look at teacher training and their professional development. The integration of technology in the curriculum is very important and teachers must be trained and have the support on how to use the different technological tools in the classroom; for example website, blogs, Microsoft office, programs, etc. Often time’s teachers receive a lot of back lash due to fact that they don’t know how to in cooperate technology in the classroom effectively.
    Teachers believe at times that if there are classrooms fill with technological tools such as computer, tablets, note books etc. that the classroom will be more effective and conducive and learning will be taking place. Technology is just more that the tools use, it should not be used in isolation, but integrated into every student learning experience. It should be use to teach all subjects across the board not only in computer class. Integrating technology should be a main concern and finding effectives ways to use it in the classroom will help students to develop and evolve in the classroom.
    I believe when use properly in the classroom technology can be a tool that both students and teachers can benefit from its uses. It can be integrated in many ways such as: having student’s access programs that will help them in their academic abilities, utilize worksheets, offer online help with homework, and provide online reading practices that will help students to develop their reading skills. Effective integration can be achieved when it is supported by effective and achievable goals.
    Starr, L. (2012). Technology integration. Retrieved from

  10. Changing Instructional Strategies
    If education is to evolve then certain changes must be implemented. One such change involves teachers moving away from the traditional talk and chalk method to becoming more modern teachers. As educators, we must keep up with the times and realize that we are now living in a technological society. Thus, we must incorporate technology into our lessons which will surely attract the attention of our students. The teacher’s role is shifting whereby his or her job is not only to provide information but it is also to guide students to acquire the relevant knowledge. Students can use their intelligence to arrive at a particular solution under the guidance of their teachers. Teachers should encourage their students to become active participants in their learning. Thus, educators should plan lessons that are student-centered which provide various interactive activities. If students are involved in the learning process they will remember and learn what is being taught. Moreover, the teacher should provide his or her students with a positive classroom atmosphere which will promote learning and respect. If the educator establishes rules that promote respect among classmates, all students would freely cooperate in classroom activities. In addition, if students feel secure and safe, learning will inevitably take place.
    Barriers to Technology Integration
    There are various factors or barriers to technology integration in the classroom. One such barrier is a lack of sufficient training with the different types of technologies. For example, an educator that is not skilled with a computer would not be able to utilize that in his or her lessons. The computer is a very useful technology that will attract students of all levels and can be used to assist with the effective delivery of lessons. A lack of resources is another barrier which affects many educators in Belize. There are numerous schools that are in need of computer labs and some that do have labs are in need of upgrades or have insufficient computers. In addition, the maintenance of computers is very costly and most schools do not have adequate funding to pay for these services. Thus, the school administration needs to be more proactive in order to have functioning computer labs for their students. There are many ways that a school can raise funds for projects that will be beneficial for the school and the students. The projector is another useful technology that should be utilized by all educators. However, many schools are still behind when it comes to the technological world and sadly, they do not have a projector. School administrators should ensure that these types of technologies are available to their educators and students. Technology should be incorporated into lessons because it can bring a lesson to life.

    1. The lack of resources and teacher training does create a barrier to technology integration within the classroom. I can speak from experience in the area of lack of resources. At times, I want to have my students research information for discussion, however we have no internet access or power-point. This can be so frustrating especially since we want to move away from the chalk and talk classroom environment.

  11. Barriers to Technology

    As with many things, particularly technology in Belizean classrooms, there are many hindrances to things that we want to get done. Technology, while extremely important in a technologically advanced and globalized world, comes with it’s own set of barriers. In the school environment, there may be a shortage or total lack of computers, there may be computers that do not function, there may be computers but no access to internet, and there maybe fully functioning computers with internet access but the time allotted to a teacher for using those technologies is limited, for whatever reasons.

    All these can impact education negatively because children are coming to the classrooms wired to receive electronic data as a result of access to tablets and smart phones in even some of the poorest homes. Having barriers to using technology restricts the exposure students can have to globalization from an educational perspective. Technology also, according to John Page in “The Ten Fundamental Reasons for technology in education,” has a lot of benefits like lower cost compared to textbooks, less weight compared to books and equipment, collaboration (as was a key component of phase 3 in the video shown on the blog) and even learning vs teaching. Barriers can have severely slow technological advancement, thus causing teachers to inadequately prepare their students for a global economy in the future.

    However, I firmly believe that obstacles are set to make achievements more sweet. Any determined educator will find a way to bring technology into his or her classroom as often as possible in order to fully equip his or her students with the necessary tools for success in their present and future lives.

    Reference: Page, John., (March 2007), The Ten Fundamental Reasons for technology in the classroom., Math Open Reference. Retrieved from:

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  13. Technology Integration and The Learning Process

    Integrating technology in the learning process makes creating authentic and active learning experiences extremely easy since the internet makes a wealth of interactive information readily available for use by students. Technology helps students to create and evaluate their own learning rather than just swallow what is being fed to them. It helps them to construct their own learning according to Piagetian theory but it can even help them connect with others and learn socially as Lev Vygotsky theorized that people learn.

    We as educators are well aware that our teaching must prepare students with the necessary skills to survive in this 21st century. According to Edutopia: Why Do We Need Technology Integration?, some of those skills are as follows:
    personal and social responsibility
    planning, critical thinking, reasoning, and creativity
    strong communication skills, both for interpersonal and presentation needs
    cross-cultural understanding
    visualizing and decision making
    knowing how and when to use technology and choosing the most appropriate tool for the task

    Technology in learning is being researched more and the results show that people learn better when technology is involved. In my own classroom, I see that students this year are more technology savvy and are more receptive to my lessons that incorporate even a small use of technology than to those lessons which have none at all.

    Reference: Edutopia. What Works in Education. (November 5, 2007)., Why Do We Need Technology Integration?. George Lucas Educational Foundation. Retrieved from:

    1. I do agree with you Kimberly, because traditional ways of once teaching our students have definitely change.The impact of technology in business during chrismas time have impacted growth in the market. No longer do we need to depend on the chalk and talk but be prepared that electricity can go off and other technicalities. Technology keep the students interested in the lessons. But we have to make sure we are being safe with concealing our equipments and the area we teach. The reception from our students will always be engaging because most of them have a tablet or computer at ahome or access to one. This can also help with our struggling readers too and providing word building for them.

    2. The first part of your response really hit the nail on the head. I agree that many students have more knowledge and skills in manipulating the latest technology out their. However, their setback is the proper and effective use of such resources to benefit them within their lessons. Thus, by integrating the use of technology and using Lev Vygotsky zone of proximal development students who are guided with these gadgets can perform at their peak over those who are left to discover on their own the use and effectiveness of technology. Thus, they will grow to appreciate the use of laptops and iPods and tablets when they learn the significance of it compared to those who only view it as an entertainment object or babysitter.

  14. Barrier in Technology Integration
    Like this chapter is stating, there are barriers with everything.
    Teachers do want students to be engaged in classes and even have interest for whatever will be taught, so they will find any means to have students interest. Technology integration is a great way to this. However, teachers do face barrier. Either it be with the administration or themselves.
    With the administration, maybe it is that they don’t support the teacher’s way to interest the students with their equipment. Also the school might not even have technology to even start with.
    Another reason that a barrier may occur is if the teacher herself/himself does not have a clue about technology and so they won’t even know where to start to integrate technology in other subject area. In this case the teacher needs training, either they get the training on their own or they could talk to the administration to get some level of training for them.
    The barriers that teachers face in technology really hinders some ways that teachers want to improve on their students interest in learning, because if these barriers were not there then the teachers would be able to improve the students learning outcome.

    1. I must concur with your views on teacher training and becoming technologically savy in this changing era. Many students are more up to date with the new and latest gadgets that are out. However, to properly and effective used them is another story left to be desired for. Hence teachers need to ensure that they get the necessary training needed to assist their students to effectively used technology to help with assignments and other research that are relevant to the curriculum. But this wont be possible unless teachers see the need to alter their perception and become more knowledgeable and skill in the field of technology with the right training and workshop.

  15. Technology Integration
    Technology integration, I believe, is or would be a great thing for learning. I find that youths these days enjoys technology and from that, they would be more interested in class or even have an interest in class if technology is integrated in the other subject areas.
    If students get this change from the traditional way to technology integration, I believe their performance will be greater than they are now.

    1. I agree with you Khandi, technology integration is something to consider, because it is the technology era we are in and Technology has become a part of the educational process. Students are very integral in this process. By the use of technological integration students performance will therefore increase. When it comes to technology students are up-to-date and very versatile, so by adding technology into our curriculum the lessons and classroom activities will be more interactive worthwhile. Therefore making productive students.

    2. Yes technology is great for learning in this technology era and I will say that traditional way of teaching has change in this century. Technology will make classroom more fun and learning more meaningful so technology will be great in the classroom.

    3. Yes technology is great for learning in this technology era and I will say that traditional way of teaching has change in this century. Technology will make classroom more fun and learning more meaningful so technology will be great in the classroom.

  16. Technology Integration
    Technology integration is the use of technology to help meet the curriculum standards and learners outcome of each lesson unit or activity. Technology has become part of the educational process, but too often it is separate and not integrated into the learning experience.Today, Education World offers easy and painless ways to integrate technology into your daily routine. Integrating technology into the curriculum is a priority. Technology can be used as a tool to promote and extend student learning on a daily basis. The use of technology in the classroom is a plus because it not only makes the curriculum and class activity more interactive it also makes the students want to learn. Students will not be easily distracted or deterred from doing class activities. For many teachers, a lack of personal experience with technology presents an additional challenge. In order to incorporate technology-based activities and projects into their curriculum, those teachers first must find the time to learn to use the tools and understand the terminology necessary for participation in those projects or activities.

    1. Technology does play a vital part in the learning and acquisition process of students, but sadly as you stated it is used separately. Too often the children are not able to practice their skills in other subject areas with technology because they are not taught how to integrate nor given the opportunity to. They are not able to access the computer lab to perform researches so then it leaves us to wonder why does the teaching technology usage is limited to once per week and at time, just twice per month. We are to be molding our whole children, equipping them to function within the global market.

    2. So true Ms. Leslie Hence the importance for teachers to constantly undergo professional development in order to keep up with the changes in society. These days children are entering the classroom with knowledge of these new gadgets. From three years old some children are using tablets and computers. These things are of interest to them, so if we want to capture their attention and keep them interested in learning we have to adapt to these new changes. Technologies are created to make our lives easier.

  17. We, as teacher, find ourselves striving to keep up to date with the latest methods and styles of teaching. As a young teacher, I have come to realization that technology plays a great impact on the student-learning environment. Students nowadays are so technologically advanced that it is the most definite reason to integrate technology in the classroom. There are many ways in which we can integrate technology in our lessons and within our classroom setting. My research discusses the three stages of technology in our classroom; using technology, integrating technology and immersing technology. In my classroom, I incorporate all multiple aspects of technology in teaching. My lessons would sometimes include a video, a PowerPoint presentation, or an audio recording, such as a song. My students are also fascinated with Google, especially when we research as a class about a concept they are interested in. I connect my laptop to the projector in order for everyone to see. Those are examples of using technology in the classroom. I also have a computer station in my classroom, where students are rewarded with special times to utilize the computer by playing educational games, watching videos and taking online quizzes during their free time. My students enjoy singing, so YouTube is an effective resource for finding songs and nursery rhymes that matches the concept being taught. As teachers, we need to be in-tuned with the changes in our environment. As more technology and innovations are being introduced to our students, we need to create a link between these gadgets and the content needing to be taught.

    1. I liked that you reference your topic to personal experiences. Your pointers are so true. Teachers of this day and age are very versatile and up-to-date with recent technology and the implementation of them in the classroom. Technology plays a major role in the way students learn. In classroom power-point presentation, video and audio recording are very good strategies to be used in the classroom. They help promote and interactive lesson self as you focus on the activity being presenting.

  18. Though technology is a key component to use within the classrooms and it has played a big role in changing the education environment in so many schools which have implemented it. Some of the benefits of using technology in education can include; easy access to academic information, ability to learn easily which results from the use visual learning in classrooms which addressed the multiple intelligences. It also allows students with the ability to learn from anywhere. It does however, pose some disadvantages. Technology is a little bit complex, so, some schools and teachers find it difficult to integrate technology in their existing curricula. In the school that I taught, the parents were charged additional for computer classes, but the classes were only offered once a week or sometimes only twice per month. The students were not able to use technology as they integrate other subject areas or to perform research as the access of the lab was limited to a 40-minute session. It was not accessible for children to perform research or conduct homework assignments. The students were then not able to enjoy the benefits of technology.
    In order for technology to be used effectively within the schools, schools have to agree and change their curricula. They would need to find ways to integrate the various subject disciplines with technology, so that in every subject taught, students and teachers could find great use of technology. When the teachers refuse to learn technological tools and how to use them in the classroom, it leaves many schools backward and can have a long-term effect on the grades of students in those schools. Some barriers to technology are lack of professional development of teachers. They are unprepared to learn and integrate technology within their lessons in the classrooms. Another barrier is teacher’s’ resistance to change. Many teachers are “stick in their old ways” and it is extremely hard to change them. They refuse to use technology because it would require too much from them as they would have to be assisting students constantly during the first phase of introduction because students will always need their help. Also teachers and schools give so many excuses for not using technology in their education circular, these excesses include, not having enough computers, not getting enough technical training, then other teachers argue that the process of learning technology and how to integrate it in education take too much time, then there others, who feel that technology might replace them, so instead of losing their jobs and old methodology of teaching, they refuse to use technology in education.
    We are in a technological era where almost everything is becoming technological advances. There are many more technological jobs than before, which still requires human resource to maintain or control. Our students therefore must be equip and prepared to deal with such demands of this new era. The schools that are not using technology in their classrooms are denying these students the chance to compete tomorrow.
    References: Barriers To The Effective Use of Technology In Education. (December 19, 2013) Retrieved from :

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I totally agree Miss Hamilton; we all know that kids gravitate towards technology, with the endless world of information at their fingertips nowadays. Despite some challenges, incorporating technology into education still has proven benefits, especially when it comes to personalized learning. From math games that adjust the level of difficulty as players progress to electronic books that talk and respond to the tap of a finger, products that personalize the learning experience for students often benefit their understanding. An interactive game is more engaging than a book, so technology often promotes more practice and review in areas requiring memorization, such as spelling and math. This frees up time in the classroom so educators can focus on skills like problem solving, character development and critical thinking.

  19. Education is preparation for becoming productive citizens in this changing society. As we move along the 21st century, technology has a lot to do with this change. In the classroom it is becoming a popular instructional tool which can be both beneficial to students and teachers, in terms of experiences and outcomes. However, in return this can produce both positive and negative effects depending on how efficient and effective it is used.
    In order for a teacher to successfully integrate technology into the classroom they must be familiar and comfortable. He/she must be trained,or willing to undergo training and have fully adopted to use. Being trained will have the teacher integrate technology into instructions effectively, i.e plan carefully on how and when to use computers and what area to cover for content. In addition, students will understand, appreciate and be motivated to want to learn. The classroom must be student centered where they are allowed to construct their own meaning; therefore the use of this tool promotes active learning and set the tone for students to participate in classroom discussion, investigation and inquiry as the teacher facilitates. Children are like cute little monkeys. They are inquisitive and love doing things on their own. Integrating technology will keep them interested, active and happy as technology is "ill" meaning cool as they say it.

    1. Reference: Cleaver, S.,(September 15, 2014). Technology in the Classroom: Harmful or helpful. Retreived from:

    2. I agree with Miss Allen that technology can be used within the classroom. Especially for visual learners and in the event of having to repeat a lesson. As we know that the world is changing, we as teachers should change along with it, we know that each child learn at a different pace, and it helps in making your research a lot easier and faster , first teachers must be knowledgeable and comfortable before introducing technology in the classroom.

    3. According to the Pragmatism Theory, which reiterates the importance of children at the center of their learning, it encourages teachers to adapt to the new era of having students participate in experiential learning classes such as the use of technology to conduct various assignments, and researches, which would equip them to later perform in the technology era that is soon becoming the reality of this present time.

  20. It is so true that we are living in a technology world and so children need to be educated how to use these types of devices within the classroom to see the end result, so we can move away from the chalk and talk. These tools also make life a little easier for teachers in the preparation of the lesson

  21. In today's era have seen a dramatic shift in the way teachers and classrooms are being adjusted to change with the times in keeping up with the technological world. We can see a wide array of gadgets and technology that incorporates both hardware and software that are amusing and gay for kids. But, due to our lack of training in the field and how it can be integrated into our lessons daily, we continue to the primitive draconian style of teaching which is talk and chalk and students follow boringly along. Thus, in this brief summary of the article that was shared, two key components in my perception will be commented on; those being Barriers to Technological integration and Technology Integration in the Curriculum.
    Let's first examine the Barriers to Technological Integration. In a third world country such as Belize they are many social and economical challenges that would prevent our schools from having a computer lab to facilitate this process. Firstly, the neighbourhood in which these schools are located are often poverty stricken areas where boys who have become menace would target these instituions and burglarized them taking any computers or technological gadgets beneficial to the learning of the students. Moreover, in Rural areas, location and accessibility of resources such as internet access may be major problem. Furthermore, it may go deeper than that by examining the administrations views towards teacher training in the field of technology and integrating into their lesson plans.
    Thus, bringing us to our second point which Integration in the curriculum. The Ministry of Education when formulating the curriculum should further identify what it is they want teachers to accomplish and use more technological resources such as computers, tablets, phones, ipads, laptops etc. In other words, teachers must consider what the curriculum standards and content standards are, identify an appropriate technology, and develop innovative ways to teach a diverse population of learners with different learning styles.

  22. Technology Integration
    Technology is simple define as computers, mobile phones, I pad, tablets, laptop etc. Integrating technology in the classroom can or will help learning to be more meaningful to our students. When technology integration is at its best students and teachers do not need to stop to worry if they are accomplishing the planned objective because using technology will be natural to both teachers and students. Integrating technology in the classroom can be essential to the process of learning for students and teacher. With technology within the classroom students will be more engaged and teacher will spend less time in classroom management.
    Technology also helps to make a classroom environment more children friendly and teacher will be more interactive with students and teacher will be less stress at the end of the day. Yes the idea of integrating technology in the classroom is a good for the process of learning but with like most things in the classroom (resources) they cause money and technology is very expensive hence most teachers will find it difficult to integrate technology in their classroom.
    What is successful technology integration (edutopia 2007).
    Teachers Discovering Computers, Fourth Edition - In Brief. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2015, from
